


i am an extroverted introvert.

Food: Super duper easy - I bought some thinly sliced rib-eye from Japanese grocery store, marinated it in a tangy sesame dressing that I bought a while ago, added some onions and garlic, wrapped it in foil and popped it in the oven.

Took me 5 minutes to prepare. I only had to marinate the meat for a minute because of the thin cut. I also found it resourceful. I have all these salad dressings that I never use b/c a smelly cheese, olive oil and balsamic vinegar work just fine. Actually, it works wonders...mmmmm. I don't even know why I bought them. I guess it was on sale or it sounded like a good idea at the time. Now I can use them to marinate shizz. veggies. catfish. shrimp. chicken. chocolate. Ew, marinated chocolate. Gross.


gluttonous sloth

I forgot to pay my bills
didn't eat any vegetables or fruit
ended up not walking my dog
forgot to bring workout cloths to the gym

I ended up reading my first fictional book in like 4 years (that ironically is about a girl who has trouble paying her credit card bills)
ate a whole bag of salt & vinegar chips
cleaned the dog pee out of the carpet
and fell asleep at 9:30 pm


sidenote: Found out that the genius behind 'Gabriel's Oboe' is Ennio Morricone. Listened to more of his pieces and have fallen in love with him. His compositions are so full of emotions, just what I love. I'm very excited about it because I haven't found a 'soundtrack' composer I liked since Henry Mancini. And of course Morricone wrote the score for Cinema Paridiso!

Food: I love that in L.A., you can find so many ethnic grocery stores, each with its own special characteristics. I go to Korean markets for bread, pastries, fresh fish, meats and great quality fruit. I go to Mexican markets for good deals on spices, herbs and fish. I go to Japanese markets for reallllly fresh fish for sushi/sashimi. I go to Chinese markets for loads of vegetables. Last but not least, I go to Trader Joe's for cheese and everything else besides meat/fish/veggies (tends to be more expensive, unless frozen).


borderline rambunctious?

brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag brag

leave it at home.

Food: I love aguas frescas de sandia


less of that and more of this

eating --> moving

Sidenote: I want to try pickling something.


slow day at the office

reading news, stumbled upon this.


i should show my mother this. my mom who incessantly wishes (both in her prayers and to my face) for me to enter an ethnically homogeneous marriage " that your children won't get confused and have an identity crisis" (mom).

i think there are bigger things to worry about. i have plenty of friends who are happa (ethnically mixed) and are more mentally sound and healthy than the majority of people in this world.

i wonder what would happen if there were no such thing as ethnicities and everyone had an UN passport. would we have had as many wars, genocides, and conflicts? maybe we'd just focus on something else to fight about.

btw, i LOVE that obama was also a third-culture kid (tck).

Food: This happens rarely, maybe once every 6 months - I would actually spend an ENTIRE day looking at everything food related on the web. Whether it's looking at restaurant menus, restaurant deals, food blogs with pictures, food blogs without pictures, yelp, yelp, yelp, loads of recipes, kitchen appliances, more recipes, more cooking blogs, food & wine section of newspapers and magazines...I'm crazy.

Maybe I should go into the food business since I love food and cooking so much.

a recurring issue

I suck at writing.
I read a lot.
I wrote a lot in high school and college.
But I still suck at writing.

Okay, maybe I don't suck. but I am not as marvelous as I want to be. and by marvelous I mean 'the person who wrote this must be a brilliant being, this being is attractively intimidating and intimidatingly attractive and I must get to know this person' kind of marvelous.

I used to blame my parents. because they don't speak English. They don't write English. Maybe I still blame them a little bit. I blame them for a lot of things, but it never devalues all the other great things they've provided me with.
I also blame how much value was placed on speedreading as a student. Read quickly, skip words, get the content, move on.

Anyway. Today, I am deciding that I will own up and take charge of this pending issue. As of this moment, deciding has become a decided.

There are many ways that I can reach the world of exquisite writing. I imagine this world to be full of fancy people, charming people. Stoners who effortlessly come up with the most beautiful phrases, poets and musicians (also probably stoned) who breath life into words, best of the bloggers, rappers, journalists and authors - all reside there, spitting beautiful verbage at each other.

Perhaps I should read books, this time focusing more on the skill and less on the content. Perhaps I should venture outside of the International Relations and Environmental genres and read more poetry, and the literary classics.

Setting sail.

note to self: start with that book with the pretty looking indian woman that i borrowed from ac