Whenever I do a major 100-300 person event, I'm on my feet for 15-18 hours at a time, I lose several hours of sleep and I'm super alert/sensitive to everything that's going around me (like spiderman mode). Event planning/managing/executing renders me immobile by the time an event is over.
So I need a day to recuperate. Today's my recuperation day. Wow, what a long intro. Since I have the day off, I decided I would document it - give you a play by play. I actually want to know myself. It'd be fun going back to this post and reading it several years from now. :)
3:00 am - finally filled out my Project by Project application and sent over to my friend, Eden. I want to help with their community relations. Great great nonprofit. If you're interested in volunteering, they need a graphic designer.
3:30 am - bed time
9:00 am - morning time. Ate half a bag of popchips (I'm addicted) while catching up on youtube videos. I love watching communitychannel (Natalie Tran). She's hilarious. I also follow 5AwesomeGays. I love them, too. I have a lot of love to spread. I also spent a good amount of time watching Arden Cho (see previous post) videos. She super talented, me thinks. I saw her at the KoreAm Unforgettable Gala last year - I should've introduced myself.
9:30 am - Put on a face mask (egg whites) because my skin felt blah. kept watching more youtube videos.
10:00 am - Returned phone calls that I've been neglecting because of the event. Called back mom. Made some work calls. Made some nonprofit-related calls. Called my friend, Cody, and made plans to hang out later - may go hiking. We'll see. The weather scares me. It hailed/snowed during my event on Saturday.
10:45 am - Took off face mask. Answered emails. Decided I will go grocery shopping in San Gabriel Valley area. Decided I will document my day.
11:00 am - Started typing this.
-more to come, will add appropriate links later. gonna go get dressed now.