

Mind Grapes*

A toddler weighing more than me? Mind grapes disturbed.
photo from The Sun
According to this article, he weighs more than 9 stones. I had no idea publications still use stones as measurements. 9 stones = 126 lbs. Geebus. I fear for this kid toddler. He's only three!


Preview for Black Swan II? Mind grapes inspired.
Art, at its finest


The Un-Road Trip. Mind grapes excited. 
i'd like to hitch a ride
"Taking a cross-country road trip without a car – that’s the goal of quirky eco-adventurer, Boaz Frankel. Join him on his 12,000 mile journey by camel, couch bike, canoe, motorized cooler and 100 other modes of transportation as he meets inventors, entrepreneurs and government leaders on his quest for alternative, sustainable transportation."

Premieres April 22nd here. Looking forward to the camels and inventions.


*Mind Grapes:  noun. 1. the pulpy, excitable smooth-skinned berry or fruit that dwell in the brain and from which mind wine is made; Origin: 2011 Land of IALAS

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